Kamis, 26 Februari 2009

Chakra Ajna by Yulius Eka Agung Seputra,ST,MSi

Meditation On Chakra Ajna Here you have Reiki Chakra meditations (example on the ajna chakra), as taught already in old times. 1. Visualize your body with 7 chakra 2. A golden flame between the eyebrows (or other chakra). 3. Create the imagination (visualization) of a golden sun between the eyebrows (other chakra). 4. Imagine this ray change to white light, hold it and Pray to God to Do It. Pray or spell short mantra like “OM” “ Allah” . Do it for all your chakra. Each chakra 5 minutes. If you want to get Clairvoryant Skill in Ajna, you can order this, with a cheap price.you can prove this initiation whether work on your body on not, with try temporary initiation (free of charger), if sucessfull and you want this initiation permanent is your body, you can send email and payment to stulung@yahoo.com 

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